During the course of our work with clients we share resources specifically designed by beyond… or generate resources they can continue to use in their ongoing work. Where relevant, we also provide them with copies of published papers that are relevant to their initiatives, such as those profiled here.
Successful partnerships: A brief guide © Social Inclusion Unit 2008
This 14 page publication from 2008 was written for the Social Inclusion Unit, South Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet; the Social Inclusion website on which the paper was originally available is no longer active. It draws on the work undertaken by VicHealth that describes four types of organisational partnerships – networking, coordinating, cooperating and collaborating. To assist organisations in determining what kind of partnership they might want to establish, this paper draws on the findings of the initiatives funded through the Social Inclusion Unit to provide the following for each partnership type:
- a description of the partnership characteristics
- an explanation of the situations in which it is useful
- examples of how it is being used
- the benefits it offers.
Evaluation tools – achieving a balance of depth and breadth © beyond… 2012
This diagram assists clients to work with us in developing an evaluation plan that reflects a balance of depth and breadth of information for involved stakeholders.
Evaluation – levels of data analysis © beyond… 2007
This diagram illustrates the layers of analysis that data goes through from its raw through to reported form.